Tripp Fuller

Surviving the Bible: A Conversation with Christian Piatt

The Youth Minister gave a new meaning to, “throw the book at him.” Originally the phrase meant to charge someone with as many crimes as are possible. Consider it throwing all the law at someone. Maybe, that is in fact what happened. Rather than take his questions seriously, the … Continue reading

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Jesus Spit In Your Soup: An Interview with Tripp Fuller

I like my soup hot, real hot. Patty likes her just a tad beyond warm. Neither of us would like it if you spit in our soup.… Continue reading

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Sponsoring Conversations and Shout Outs

I have never owned a pair of Beats. When I was gifted my iPod years ago I used the provided earbuds. That was until just two years ago.… Continue reading

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Could Scalia and Ginsburg Provide Illustration for the Pastor-Theologian?

Imagine reading that the late Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg were “best buddies.” Noted for their position on opposite ends of the judiciary perspective, one wonders, at least I wonder, could their relationship provide an illustration for the Pastor-Theologian? I believe so.… Continue reading

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