
What Does It Profit a Pastor to Run for Local Office?

When he learned I was on the City Council, my friend remarked, “I did not take you for Constantinian.” At once I felt I disappointed one of my man-crush’s. I also realized how broad brushed generalizations work.… Continue reading

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We Need a Revival of/in the Fourth Estate or, Stop Blinging the News

Watching local newscasts feels like standing in line looking at tabloids. Especially when the story contains sensationalized language to lure more viewers, and readers for social media posts.… Continue reading

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Lyle Tagged Evette . . . or Maybe Evette Tagged Lyle

Saturdays. I wondered today what would Lyle be doing the first Saturday of March. If he were not at the fire station he may have planned for folks to come watch the Bedlam game this afternoon. I confess, he would be sorely disappointed in the Sooners’ season but would … Continue reading

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