
The God of Wild Places

My mentor preached at my ordination service. He was the third preacher to preach in the service. When he stood to preach he said,

“I am the preacher who preaches after the preacher who preached after the preacher who has already preached.”

Knowing Rick, he made that observation during … Continue reading

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When Your Pen Pal Is Your Son

Sharing Your Faith Is Not A Single Format Opportunity

Those who know me know I am a talker. The corollary is that I tend to process my thinking out loud. Now you know why posts are sometimes infrequent and my podcast frequency is worse.

Can We Talk? is a … Continue reading

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An Influential Mentor

Marv Levy takes his dry humor around the globe in the comedy series The Reluctant Traveler. Levy’s travels leave him perplexed and curious. His episode-ending reflections include themes he picks up along the way. Often sounding surprised, he finds that folks living in Finland enjoy life outdoors, even … Continue reading

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Interrogate the Language

We deconstruct everything so why the bugaboo?

Mark Driscoll famously attacked deconstruction, or Deconstruction, with the caricature that the goal is to reduce everything to its nub so it may be dismissed. He used the schtick to strike fear in those who dared question what they had been taught, … Continue reading

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#DEI and Indoctrination?! with Greg Horton

Claims that the Woke Left is indoctrinating students in Oklahoma Public Schools have been a talking point of Oklahoma State School Superintendent Ryan Walters since he began his campaign. Once elected, erasing the Woke Agenda has been his ongoing mantra. My friend Greg Horton posted about the claims of … Continue reading

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