That Time One of My Interviewees Became a Reader’s Choice Finalist – Go Vote for Tom Oord

Almost one year ago I took a different direction with my podcast. Up to that point I had offered some reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary. Our congregation and other Baptists, even Southern Baptists,  interested in the Christian Seasons and what that looks like in a Tradition where Advent … Continue reading

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Coffee with Jesus – A Second Shot

Jesus often gets a bad rap. He is portrayed as too nice. Call it a sentimental view of Jesus aided by paintings and artwork that seem to domesticate the revolutionary message he heralded.… Continue reading

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Is There Something New Under the Son? Matt Woodley’s, The Gospel of Matthew: God with Us

Carving out space for a new commentary series on the Scriptures conjures the sentiment of the “preacher” in Ecclesiastes, “There is nothing new under the sun.” What would it take to counter the sense of vanity at the thought of such a project? Invite Matt Woodley to write a … Continue reading

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The Missional Slope, or Should Have Linked to Kinnon

Here in Oklahoma we are bracing for what meteorologists believe will be a major “winter event.” Translation for you not schooled in Okie meteorological euphemisms. We are headed for some rain, followed by freezing rain, then sleet, finally snow. By late Friday a wintry paralysis will blanket the state. … Continue reading

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