
Reflective – Thoughts of Nan

Often when we lose a loved on to death we console ourselves with talk of “eternal destinies.” You would expect as much from a Pastor. But, I confess that most of my thoughts have been about living not dying.

It is not that I am in denial. After all, … Continue reading

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Lyle Tagged Evette . . . or Maybe Evette Tagged Lyle

Saturdays. I wondered today what would Lyle be doing the first Saturday of March. If he were not at the fire station he may have planned for folks to come watch the Bedlam game this afternoon. I confess, he would be sorely disappointed in the Sooners’ season but would … Continue reading

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Friday Photo – Always Running

Boyd Hunt liked the word “always.” Dr. Hunt taught at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He had a way of putting eschatological issues in perspective. Navigating the always predictive nature of conversations that circle these matters he inserted the word, “always.” So, when the claim would come in 1988 that … Continue reading

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(No) Meaning

We attach meaning to events. Theists and non-theists attach meaning. We just do so in different ways. Theists insist on transcendent meaning. Non-theists contend meaning is embedded and does not have an existential thread. For the one it seems meaning may be derived outside the person. The other sees … Continue reading

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Swallowing Death – Thoughts from the Edge

Following Jesus into the world carrying the Good News would include declaring that death has been swallowed up in the death and resurrection of Jesus. The Scriptures for this week follow the Christian Calendar and point to All Saints Day. In the liturgical turn post-reformation we are called on … Continue reading

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