
Growing Old with You – Let’s Keep Showing Up

My friend Marty and his wife Sonya received another negative diagnosis. For the third time, Sonya heard the words, “You have cancer.” … Continue reading

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(Mis)Identification – You Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker!

Listen carefully and you learn to distinguish the differing bird songs that fill the air in our backyard. Reading is occasionally interrupted by the distinct pecking sound that comes when the beak of a woodpecker raps a limb. Yesterday we were enjoying the late afternoon sun and heard just … Continue reading

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The Eschatological Necessity of Advent

What if in our most honest moments we admit we really want things to stay the same? Republicans and Democrats posture as though they want a new way – a post-partisan solution to what ails our out of sight spending habits. Really, they just offer another illustration of Black … Continue reading

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