What’s Up With Patty?

You never know what may cause your pain. Two weeks ago Patty had gone home for lunch. She sometimes works in a 20-minute “power nap” before heading back to work as a Dental Assistant.

Lying on the couch she felt some discomfort in her left jaw. Patty returned to work. She explained to Dr. Morgan that a spot seemed more sensitive. They took an x-ray.

Soon they had re-scheduled patients and Dr. Morgan had contacted Dr. Baker making Patty an appointment. Patty came by the office before quitting time which is not normal. She told me we needed to make an appointment to see about the pain in her jaw.

We knew Dr. Baker. He performed oral surgery on both Kimberly and Tommie removing their wisdom teeth. He looked at the x-rays and immediately said he would need to do a biopsy.

The following Wednesday afternoon a biopsy was performed. The possibilities were less than desirable. It seemed she may have an aggressive cyst. Over the next few days we learned about the particular growth. We did not like what we were discovering. Surgery would be required. It would be painful. Very painful.

Today we returned to Dr. Baker to get the pathology report. We were surprised to learn it was not the type first believed to be causing the trouble. Instead, the condition remains but there is a treatment. It too will be painful. But, if the treatment is successful, surgery may be delayed.

Patty goes to see Dr. Baker in six weeks. We will then learn when the procedure to treat the growth will be performed. Until then, for those of our friends who pray, we ask you to do so.

About the Author
Husband to Patty. Daddy to Kimberly and Tommie. Grandpa Doc to Cohen, Max, Fox, and Marlee. Pastor to Snow Hill Baptist Church. Graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Reading. Photography. Golf. Colorado. Jeeping. Friend. The views and opinions expressed here are my own and should not be construed as representing the corporate views of the church I pastor.

20 comments on “What’s Up With Patty?

  1. I hope all continues to improve & she gets some relief soon! Ill keep her in my prayers! 🙂

  2. Well, once she heals up we’ll have to get Tony to put together the famous Bacon-Cheeseburger Calzone to celebrate. Thanks, Scott.

  3. Love you guys! I know you are “fine” but we are here if you need anything at all. Lord only knows how many times you all have been there for us and we fully intend to to do the same!

  4. Now ur talkin Todd! 🙂

  5. I am glad the news was good. She will be in my prayers!

  6. Kimberly says:

    Or maybe we could celebrate the good news with a Cheeseburger Calzone…followed by another one when she can eat it!! Craig has been craving one!

    1. Bet we could do that.

  7. Natalie says:

    Patty I’ll be praying!

  8. Please let Patty know I’m praying for her!

    1. I will tell her Jolynn.

    1. Thank you KrisAnne. By the way, I always enjoy reading your thoughts at your website.

  9. Oh man, please tell Patty that she and you are in my prayers. Hope she gets some relief soon and feels better.

    1. I will tell her. Thank, Penny.

  10. I’ll be in prayer for her and your family, Todd.

  11. I hope it continues to get better , my prayers are with you . If you need anything you can call

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