The transistory nature of our culture heightens those times when we witness something of stability. Eugene Peterson wrote a book on the “Songs of Ascent” titled, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction. On December 31, 2003, my pastor – Brother Justice died at the age of 96. A memorial service was held and several men impacted by his life shared stories and experiences to communicate something of the character and commitment of this godly man. Born in Indian Territory in what is now Oklahoma, Brother Justice, as we called him, experienced the grace of God. He gave his life to preaching the gospel of Jesus, the Christ. He kept to this commitment for 73 years! He preached his last sermon two weeks before he died. Though he lost his physical eyesight, he found his spiritual sight unhindered. I am glad to have known and been imprinted by one who understood “a long obedience in the same direction.”