In 1987, or 1988, Scott G. wanted to see if we could host a Larry Norman concert in Southwest Dallas. He worked hard. Scott secured Duncanville High School as the venue and the date was set. Not only would we get to host the “Father of Christian Rock” but we would host him at our church the following Sunday morning and share a meal at John G’s home after worship.
The concert was great. We wondered why we could not get a better crowd. Likely due to the fact that Larry did not get much air time on the “Christian” radio stations. It was hard, if not impossible, to find his stuff in stores, especially Christian bookstores.
Sunday came and it was time for Larry to sing. He arrived a bit late. He sang, “I Wish We’d All Been Ready.” Lunch was fun too.
I was saddened to read Larry went “somewhere beyond the sky.” I felt the same as Michael Spencer who wrote,
I love you, Larry. Family- many are praying for you. He really helped me see Jesus. Thatâ??s about as good as it gets.
Go over and follow the links to Spencer’s posts.
Thanks for posting about Larry Norman. I followed some links, went to YouTube, and found myself back in the 80s with Norman, Stonehill, the 77s, and Daniel Amos. Norman influenced and discovered so much incredible talent–he truly was the father of Christian rock music.
You note well Larry’s influence. You reference to Stonehill brought back memories of an LP I played often in college.
I was floored by the news as well. Guys like Larry Norman and DeGarmo & Key shaped my listening habits.