
How We Talk About Authority and Submission Matter #AltonSterling: An Interview with Geoff Holsclaw

What keeps you up at night? #AltonSterling’s death kept Geoff Holsclaw up Tuesday night. It made him mad. I imagine he is still mad this morning when he learned of #PhilandoCastle.… Continue reading

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Still Making Sense of Church: An Interview with Spencer Burke

There once were churches. Then Denominational Churches. Mainline Churches. Traditional Churches. Evangelical Churches. House Churches. After that Seeker-Sensitive Churches. Traditional Churches. Mainline Churches. Seeker-Friendly Churches. Purpose-Driven Churches. Emerging Churches. Missional Churches. Gospel-Centered Churches.… Continue reading

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Eclectic as Post-Ecumenical or, Thinking With Your Mouth Open

“Don’t chew with your mouth open.” Who doesn’t remember the early admonition to better etiquette? I do. … Continue reading

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Could Scalia and Ginsburg Provide Illustration for the Pastor-Theologian?

Imagine reading that the late Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg were “best buddies.” Noted for their position on opposite ends of the judiciary perspective, one wonders, at least I wonder, could their relationship provide an illustration for the Pastor-Theologian? I believe so.… Continue reading

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Can Religion Bear the Weight? or, Choosing to Withhold Final Judgement

One day we will decide. Until then we withhold final judgement. Even those who already voted in a primary caucus or election. Maybe there is merit in a system that illustrates why we do not make final judgments when candidates sprint out of the gate. Already several stumbled and … Continue reading

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