I recently heard a young mega-church pastor prefers to be known as a “Speaker.” For some time I have had an ongoing conversation with a young fellow who from time to times seems enamored of everything mega. Carefully I have sought to parse the distinctions between speaker and pastor.
Ed Stetzer continues to answer the question, “Can Mega Be Missional?” I wonder if he has thought about how is it that mega-church speakers may be pastors. I do not imply that it is an impossibility any more than it is impossible for a mega-church to be missional.
Ed would, I suspect, drill the pastoral responsibility down into small groups, just as he contends missional shows up in such large contexts. But, he still then must reconcile the Ephesian list of gifted leaders for a local church – pastor – with the current phenomenon.
May I suggest reading John Frye. Years ago I happened onto John Frye when I spotted his little book, Jesus The Pastor. After a long period of not posting on the interwebs, John is back and writing well at, Jesus the Radical Pastor.
His current series will be focusing on Eugene Peterson’s pastoral taxonomy. I recommend John, though I have never met him. One of my friends once served on staff with him and shared great things.
May you, we, who struggle with pastor in these changing times and days learn much from John’s heart via his keyboard.