We stood nearly breathless. Not from the altitude. It was the view. When we consider what we have and don’t have, not many of us look our across the way and take in a vista like this. Beauty.
Bill, Consuelo, and Dolores took us to the village about which I wrote where the “Narrow Gate” was located. You and I would look across this village and consider all of the missing modern amenities. But when ASOSAP works with villages they gather the leaders to ask what their village has to offer. Too often we overlook beauty. We do not see running water. We see a lack of education. We see no healthcare outposts. Surely these circumstances need to be remedied. But, we cannot miss beauty.
From the place of beauty we may begin talking about the reality and presence of God. And that is where they begin. And, after looking at this view, how could you not be drawn to think of beauty . . . and beyond.