Grey’s Deconstructing Relationships … Rhimes intrigues …

GreysFrom the first episode to sometime this season I have been a fan of "Grey’s Anatomy." The intrigue for me revolves around the complexity of human relationships exposed by writer Shonda Rhimes. I have written quite a bit in the past (noting something that struck me in the first two seasons). This season was different. I missed too many episodes and lost the continuity I felt from those first seasons. While I did manage to catch them on Tivo, I still felt disconnected. You could say I lost my bearings in the vicarious relationship with Rhimes.

In fact, I was so out of sync I found the Finale lacking. I complained to my daughter Kimberly. Now Kimberly found the same connection with Grey’s as her daddy. She took it to levels I neither had the time nor inclination. Often Kimberly would tell me what she read on the Grey’s blog written by Rhimes. We talked after the Finale and I told her I may have watched my last episode. I just could not make the connections necessary to want to stay hooked. Then, Kimberly did it. She printed off Rhimes blog post from May 17.

Not only did this help reconnect me but piqued my curiosity for next season.  What made the difference? Two things. First, we often need to take apart some things about us, deconstruct, in order to move ahead. Second, reading Rhimes telling the stories of the various characters and their "mirrors" fascinated me. I got the feeling had I given more time to watching the show as I had the first two seasons, I just may have seen some of what Shonda intended without the necessity of reading her post. Nonetheless I am glad to have it.

The cultural implications of the show extend beyond the apparent shallowness of physical intimacies that dominate from time to time. In fact, it may well be Rhimes intent to show the depth of the characters moves beyond the normal proclivity to see in the physical intimacies the goal of all human relationships.

I do see comparable moves in the life and ministry of Jesus to move people beyond the stereotypical assessments of particular groups – tax collectors and prostitutes, women and foreigners. Marked as hopeless and beyond the pale by those who sought to exert their conscience on these by ruling them incorrigible presented Jesus with a poignant opportunity to point out just how we get to see ourselves through His eyes rather than those who assume to control access to the Kingdom of God. Grey’s could well be something of a modern day parable for just such actions. "Burning down the house" means getting people to see ourselves as we should rather than through propped up images of self-preservation or via the lens of self-seeking ne’er do wells.

Could be a stretch. But, Rhimes has intrigued me … I will be watching …

About the Author
Husband to Patty. Daddy to Kimberly and Tommie. Grandpa Doc to Cohen, Max, Fox, and Marlee. Pastor to Snow Hill Baptist Church. Graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Reading. Photography. Golf. Colorado. Jeeping. Friend. The views and opinions expressed here are my own and should not be construed as representing the corporate views of the church I pastor.

2 comments on “Grey’s Deconstructing Relationships … Rhimes intrigues …

  1. says:

    the church you speak at is in Tuttle? I would love to stop by sometime.
    Sorry i did not get your reply till now. (i asked you about Ireland a few months ago.)
    Apparently you have not been there, i do not know where i got the mix up!

  2. says:

    The last quote of “burning down the house” that has me really thinking about things that we have been discussing. I think there is much there in what we as Christians should do or maybe the way we should look at ourselves in how we live our lives. My mind is thinking, and thinking.

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