What about a story? Diabetic. Broken leg. Pneumonia. Lost finger. Alarming phrase used by doctor. Lost house. Lost cars. 51 years old. Away from wife. Scared. Little family. No care from family. Anxious. Electric wheel chair. Alone.
Interested brother-in-law. Embers of faith. Hopeful for heaven. Like to live longer. Loves his church. Knows pain causes an upward look. Realizes the hand of God comes in many forms. Eased.
We all live in God’s story. Some of us live with the light of his story. Others live unaware. How may we speak hope and love into others’ lives? Enter their story rather than ask them to co-opt our own. Listen. Be. Share common connections with their story without taking over the story and somehow making it about us.
Pray Larry gets better. More, pray Larry lives in his story of God’s grace.