Meditations from The Hill 3

Thanks to P.W. for the comment on my last “Meditations” post. He gave some great advice. I am looking for the way to implement his suggestions as I learn more about Audacity. You may subscribe to my RSS feed for the “Meditations From The Hill” podcasts by grabbing the RSS feed from the Feedburner chicklet on the right sidebar. This week’s “Meditation” considers the Gospel passage in the Revised Common Lectionary for Sunday, August 13 – John 6:35,41-51. I would encourage you to consider this passage along
with the Epistle passage in Ephesians 4:25-32. They seem to be more connected the more you reflect on the passages together.

Click here.

About the Author
Husband to Patty. Daddy to Kimberly and Tommie. Grandpa Doc to Cohen, Max, Fox, and Marlee. Pastor to Snow Hill Baptist Church. Graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Reading. Photography. Golf. Colorado. Jeeping. Friend. The views and opinions expressed here are my own and should not be construed as representing the corporate views of the church I pastor.

1 comment on “Meditations from The Hill 3

  1. says:

    Pastor Tod, Thanks for the plug. Your #3 Meditations auto-loaded and it sounded great on my commute into work yesterday. I really enjoyed the content too. Could you raise the volume a bit? I had the volume up all it would go in my personal vehicle. I’m sure I would not be able to hear you in my company vehicle. Podcasts are for commuters and truck drivers, and I do both. The length of your Meditations fits nicely into my “mix”. Everything else I listen to is 25 or more minutes long, and a shorter piece like yours gives me more options filling in my time slots on the road. Keep up the good work.
    In Christ, Wayne Hatcher

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