“Opus Dei” – work of God. A conversation with Alan last night led to some discussion of the need to connect the work of life (our vocations) with the work of God. That is, our life work is the work of God – not just those in “vocatinal ministry.” We move about in life as church not waiting to be church/go to church but being church as we do what it is we do. One way people have connected these in the past was to borrrow a monastic practice – observing the daily office. Simply, at the beginning, middle and end of the day we stop and pray/meditate for a moment so as to “re-center” oursleves in the understanding that my work is the work of God – I am the church, you are the church and together we are the church.
Thanks for the reminder! I have been praying to be a blessing in my job and have seen God work–so far mainly changing me—so thanks for reminding me that I am the church.