Plenty – Friday Photo

We have plenty of fun. For nealy 36 years we have found ways to enjoy life together. So, why not a teeter totter on Broadway?

Yes, I posted this photo last week. But, when I went looking for a photo for Friday Photo, this is the one that stood out. My laptop is in the shop so I have been waiting on the iCloud to sync up some photos. Today Saturday is Friday for this photo.


About the Author
Husband to Patty. Daddy to Kimberly and Tommie. Grandpa Doc to Cohen, Max, Fox, and Marlee. Pastor to Snow Hill Baptist Church. Graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Reading. Photography. Golf. Colorado. Jeeping. Friend. The views and opinions expressed here are my own and should not be construed as representing the corporate views of the church I pastor.

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