Ben Cole

Ben Cole on the Economy and the Election

My friend Ben Cole showed up at Associated Baptist Press with an opinion piece. Most know Ben has an opinion about most everything. He is a skilled writer, voracious reader and student of leadership. In this piece Ben takes a look at the economy from some interesting angles … Continue reading

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Controversial Conversations Not to be Avoided

My friend Ben Cole writes for Associated Baptist Press. He lives in Washington, D.C. and works on public policy issues. His recent post is sure to stir some conversation especially among those who know him as a former Souther Baptist pastor. I suspect there will be some knee-jerk responses … Continue reading

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Cole and Duren Review Burleson

Blogs have niches. In our denomination (SBC) some bloggers self-identify as a “denominational blog.” That is, what they write about pertains to some or all aspects of the Southern Baptist Convention. Over the past few years a number of people spent some time writing in this space. Ben Cole … Continue reading

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