
Art, Pain and Community – TWOP

The Work of the People always offers some compelling material. This one is no different.
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Virtual (Not) Community – Shane Hipps

Back when Wired Parish was up and running I listened to a few podcasts with Shane Hipps. They were insightful and instructive. Here Shane talks about the idea of “virtual community.” What do you think?

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Formation through serving … Greater Things to Be Done

Theological reflection proved to be one of the significant formative exercises during my time in seminary. Professors pressed students to “think theologically.” Case studies presented during a Christian Ministry course exposed us to the complexities of pastoral ministry. After reading the conversation between a chaplain and a terminal patient … Continue reading

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Important “for” rather than “in”

A few years ago I learned of World Neighbors. Each fall they offer people from developing and under-developed countries to sell goods here in the United States providing them “market” options they would otherwise not enjoy. Yes, and they do this in Oklahoma City. One of my college … Continue reading

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