
Who Said God Can’t?

A local meteorologist described the recent F-4 tornado in Alabama. We know a thing or two about tornadoes in Oklahoma. The scene of the 24-mile swath cut by the massive tornado brought back memories of what we simply refer to in our area as, The May 3rd Tornado. It

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What Does Socrates Have to do with Preaching? or, Too Nerdy for Jason Micheli

What will that fifty dollar shirt do that the ten dollar shirt won’t? The ten dollar shirt covers you in all the right places. … Continue reading

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Special Episode: James Younger and The Story of God

Many of us read about how others view the world, reality and God. Few of us are able to talk and interact with those whose view of things religious is different than our own. If you had the opportunity to learn from those who are, say, Hindu, would you?… Continue reading

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Mr. Miyagi, Joan of Arc and God: An Interview with Eric E. Hall

Bruce discovered being god demanded more than he expected. Consider the scene where he must answer prayers. The counter spun with the number of incoming requests. Interested in something else, Bruce Almighty decided to answer every request with, “Yes.” Some concepts of god/God betray God revealed in Jesus. That … Continue reading

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Love Can’t: An Interview with Thomas J Oord

With Love, all things are possible. Many will recognize the substitution of Love for God. … Continue reading

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