Lance Ford

Evangelicals Need to Be Re-Evangelized!? An Interview with Lance Ford

Who gets to claim Evangelical as their descriptor? The recent revelation that Donald Trump finds Evangelicals among his strong supporters has created any number of explanations. For example, one recent article dissects the numbers and concludes those who support Trump are not, in fact, Evangelical, and may not even … Continue reading

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The Week Ahead – Don’t Forget the Giveaway

Donald Trump is coming to Oklahoma City. Makes sense. From Senator Shortey, who is volunteering for the Trump campaign,

“Oklahoma is the most republican, most red state in the nation.  And we’re going to deliver to him.  He’s going to have Oklahoma.  I have no doubt in my

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Perhaps, Facebook Exposes Original Sin and the Need for a Missional Quest

You will be disappointed. After a fairly long hiatus from writing beyond an occasional photograph, I choose a title sure to generate traffic. You clicked. My intent is to point out what is to come here on the blog.


perhapsNext week I will participate in a Blog Tour … Continue reading

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David Fitch Gets His Back to Church Sunday On

The Ex-Reverend always winces this time of year. He writes as a religion reporter and would by all rights be considered a religion observer. Even if he self-describes as having left the building, he is still very much interested in the vocabulary of religion. You may have an affinity … Continue reading

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Sentralized Early Bird Ends July 31

Missional, for many, no longer holds the meaning it once did. Think emerging, emergent, gospel-centered, and a host of others intended to re-invigorate the imagination of Christian leaders. Others believe missional captures the very nature of God – a God who sends.

My real-time friend Lance Ford and Continue reading

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