Donald Trump is coming to Oklahoma City. Makes sense. From Senator Shortey, who is volunteering for the Trump campaign,
“Oklahoma is the most republican, most red state in the nation. And we’re going to deliver to him. He’s going to have Oklahoma. I have no doubt in my mind that Oklahoma will vote to elect him president,” said Sen. Shortey.
Great timing for me. I will be in Tulsa for a wedding rehearsal. Thanks to Nathan and Shelby for the save.
Don’t Forget the Giveaway!
Late last week I posted the first Giveaway here on the blog. Fall begins this Wednesday and some of you could use something to keep your heads warm. Others may be looking for a new fashion statement. I am teaming up with Kimberly at Oikoshandmade to give away a crocheted hat. You choose the colors and the style.
The contest closes Saturday at 11:59 p.m. The winner will be selected at random. I am using Giveaway Tools. If you have not see the original post, click here. Or, to save a click, here is the sign up widget. Each step you complete gives you more opportunities to win.
The Week Ahead – Don’t Forget the Giveaway
Ed Cyzewski Lance Ford Rob Davis
Looking forward to it!
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