
It Can’t Go Without Saying

Early this morning the local weather prognosticator provided the temperature pattern for the first 14 days of October. Generally we are dry and still longing for cooler temps. That it seemed summer was hanging on at the first of October was evident. Temperatures were well above normal.

Like a … Continue reading

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Friday Photo – In Wichita Plus Gary Jules

Wichita. There are several older church buildings in Wichita, KS. This photo was taken on a Saturday afternoon in September. A vacant parking lot across the street provided a good place to capture this shot for its architecture.

I noticed a few people on the steps and in the … Continue reading

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Tears of the Saints – Leeland and MC3 Community Center

Debbie pointed me to this song and I found a number of videos. Len Sweet pointed to this version in his sermon on the Lectionary Texts for this past week.

httpv://… Continue reading

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Formation through serving … Greater Things to Be Done

Theological reflection proved to be one of the significant formative exercises during my time in seminary. Professors pressed students to “think theologically.” Case studies presented during a Christian Ministry course exposed us to the complexities of pastoral ministry. After reading the conversation between a chaplain and a terminal patient … Continue reading

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