Tommie and Jason

New Year’s Eve Baby

“You’re not quite ready.” Words an about-to-deliver mother never wants to hear. “I’ll be back,” she replied. Hours later the drive down Wheatland Road toward Charlton Methodist Hospital was slowed by thick fog. Emergency flashers and lights signaled urgency to other travelers before 7:00 a.m. on that Saturday twenty-three … Continue reading

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Friday Photo – All Smiles

Daddies love it when their girls smile. I just received a text from Tommie. They got some sleep last night. She is feeling like a new woman. Tommie sent along this (left) photo with a “Good Morning Grammy and Grandpa!”

Enjoy!… Continue reading

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Max Arrives – Two Now Three

What a day. Jason called about 4:00 p.m. and said, “Well it looks like it is time.” After enduring increasingly intense contractions, Tommie made her doctor’s appointment about 3:30 p.m. They wheeled her over to the Labor & Delivery floor at Children’s.

Patty had just begun a long procedure … Continue reading

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The Baby Will Be . . .

For weeks, 13 to be exact if you begin from when we found out Tommie and Jason were pregnant, we have wondered about our next grandchild. Will we have another grandson or will we have our first granddaughter? Healthy is our priority. But curiosity does leave a person wondering.… Continue reading

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