For weeks, 13 to be exact if you begin from when we found out Tommie and Jason were pregnant, we have wondered about our next grandchild. Will we have another grandson or will we have our first granddaughter? Healthy is our priority. But curiosity does leave a person wondering.
Yesterday we went with Tommie and Jason to their sonogram appointment. We watched as the sonographer measured the yet-to-be-born baby’s most important features. We observed the steady beating heart. We witnessed the development of the brain, legs, hands, feet, and spine. These were all important. But, the question on everyone’s mind evidenced by either wearing a bow or a mustache was, “Boy or girl?”
We did not realize we would be sworn to secrecy until this evening. Jason and Tommie planned a “reveal” party for some friends. We would have to wait to tell until then. I felt like John the Baptists, though I was not mute. How many times did I want to “Tweet” it or post the news to Facebook. Plenty.
Now I am free to tell – we will be the proud grandparents of a baby . . . boy! Max is to arrive in January. He meets all the requirements of being nearly 20 weeks along. Grammy has already made a gift and presented it by the time you read this.
Looking forward!
this is so cool! congrats to them and you all! =))) babies are just amazing!