
If They Are Still Tallying Votes . . . UPDATE

UPDATE: The polls are still open. Head over and vote!

Generally we know when the polls close. In this contest I am not sure. So, in the event the polls over at SBC Voices are still open for voting in their SBC Blue Collar Blog Madness 2012 Edition, … Continue reading

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Final Four – Vote for Me One More Time . . . and more of you

I made the final round of the SBC Voices Blog Madness. Many of you have voted for me in the first two rounds. I need you to vote again. And, for many of you, I need you to go over and vote for the first time. The … Continue reading

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Vote for Me Again – Really

Sweet Sixteen! Could this be a bracket buster? Yes, you helped me advance to the round of 16 in SBCVoices’ Blue Collar Blog Madness. Let’s see if you can help me advance to the next round. Click over and vote in the Southwest Region. Tweet it. Facebook … Continue reading

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Vote for Me – Really

Dave Miller and those over at SBC Voices included me and this blog in their 2012 Blog Madness, dubbed Blue Collar Blog Madness. Someone must have nominated me as the lead up to this year’s contest included a call for nominations. I have been included in the “Southwest … Continue reading

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(Non) Voting As A Challenge to Power – One Non-vote Voter’s Reflection

A couple of weeks ago the Ex-Reverend sent over several interview questions for a story in anticipation of Oklahoma’s Super Tuesday primary. Greg rightly wondered how Oklahoma’s Christian, Evangelical, voters might view Mitt Romney – a Mormon. You may read the piece here. He offers a lengthier discussion Continue reading

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