Site News

Why/What Patheological? Or, What Is With the Reboot?

A post about Gun Control would garner more interest than one explaining the reboot of a podcast. But, I will take that risk using a gun analogy. … Continue reading

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Contest Update – There is Still Time

Last week I began running a contest to help name a new podcast venture for Pastor-Theologians. Have you entered?… Continue reading

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Name That Podcast – Contest!

What’s in a name? Shakespeare prompted us to think with the words of Juliet,

 O! be some other name:
What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,
Retain that dear
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Project In Development or, Why So Quiet?

Trump and Carson now run neck and neck in a recent poll. One wonders what that means. Most of us acknowledge it is too early to tell.… Continue reading

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The Week Ahead – Don’t Forget the Giveaway

Donald Trump is coming to Oklahoma City. Makes sense. From Senator Shortey, who is volunteering for the Trump campaign,

“Oklahoma is the most republican, most red state in the nation.  And we’re going to deliver to him.  He’s going to have Oklahoma.  I have no doubt in my

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