Bradly Mason

Common Places: A Conversation with Brad Mason

I tried to work in one of my favorite lines from Cold Mountain into the title.

I imagine God is weary of being called down on both sides of an argument.

Inman, Cold Mountain

Next week Messengers to our denominations’ annual meeting may hear proposed Resolutions on Critical Race Continue reading

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Can Two Walk Together? More with Bradly Mason on CRT

Near the end of our last conversation on the subject of Critical Race Theory, Bradly Mason remarked that race is a social construct for the subordination of other human beings. His statement did not go without notice. One listener sent a series of questions. If Mason asserted that race … Continue reading

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When the Law Does Not Deliver: A Conversation with Bradly Mason

In our best Schwarzenegger voice, “We said we’d be back!”

Sojourner’s interviewed Nathan Cartagena on teaching Critical Race Theory to Evangelicals. When asked about the different assumptions students have when taking a class on critical race theory now that CRT is such a lightning rod subject he noted,


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The Dangers of Mediating Ideas: A Conversation with Bradly Mason

Pastor, do you have time to read the near 500 pages of Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed the Movement?” Maybe you have time between weekly sermon preparation, pastoral responsibilities, and any administrative tasks that accompany your particular ministry setting. Try as we might to be … Continue reading

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