
Not In the Stars?

Matthew 2:1-23

Pastoral Prayer: Holy One, that Jesus was born in Bethlehem and not Jerusalem signals that we may want to look outside of the centers of power for the light to see our way in the world. Remind us today that we find our hope not in the Continue reading

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Voices of Hope

Some of us grew up acquainted with choirs. Recently I saw the Voices of Hope Choir on American’s Got Talent. I could not help but think there was a metaphor that would help explicate something Paul was aiming for in what I think is his four-part harmony at work.Continue reading

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The Circles of Faithful Presence: An(other) Interview with David E. Fitch

Practical Theology is theology from below. That is, practical theology is rooted in reflections about God’s activity in the world in real time. Eugene Peterson reminds, “Matter is real. Flesh is good. Without firm rooting in creation, religion is always drifting off into some kind of pious sentimentalism Continue reading

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The Greatest Spiritual Discipline: An Interview with Philip Nation

“A cloistered journey impoverishes your own soul,” asserts Philip Nation. Christian spiritual formation may best be practiced in community.… Continue reading

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Stop with the Antagonizing – An Interview with David Fitch

What if the culture wars merely masked our inherent tendency toward antagonizing others, specifically those with whom we disagree? How might this reveal that we are merely advocating for ourselves rather than showing up faithful to the Way of Christ in the world?… Continue reading

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