
Healthcare, Theology and Ethics: A Conversation with Dr. Kevin Driver

“Is healthcare a right or privilege?”

Maybe the question needs a better frame.

Recently I was talking with my friend Marty about healthcare, high deductibles, and treatment costs. Amidst the ongoing cultural battles occupying congressional talking points I wondered on Twitter when would our legislators take up one of … Continue reading

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Don’t GoFundMe, GoFund Them!

It is all about the ask. But, it is difficult. Especially, when it turns on the give.… Continue reading

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Make These Stones Live

We crested the hill in the cool mountain air. Unseasonable weather called for a toboggan in the normally warm climate. I left mine at home. Four-wheel low was a must as the roads are largely dirt and rock.

The old cinder block building sat vacant. For twenty years the … Continue reading

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World Prematurity Day – More Issues of Life

Healthcare remains in the news. The effects of a lack of insured women prompt many in poverty to consider abortion an option. Many advocates hoping to curb the need for abortion do not spend a great deal of time talking about the effects of poverty. Were more to see … Continue reading

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