
Reflections After God – Thoughts from the Edge

Reflections. They are rarely an “exact” representation. The medium the image is reflected onto bears the marks that alter the original image. Even still we can see in the reflection what is represented. Moses imperfectly reflects God’s glory to the people, but he does reflect God’s glory. (Exodus 34) … Continue reading

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Aftermath of God – Thoughts from the Edge

One common thread running through at least three of the texts for this week involve the “aftermath of God.” That is, to borrow from Peter Rollins, life after an intense encounter with God. All encounters are intense. We may miss them when we domesticate God into our image. But, … Continue reading

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No Contradiction – Thoughts from the Edge

I recently finished Todd Mangum and Mark Sweenam’s new book, The Scofield Bible: Its History and Impact on the Evangelical Church. One of the traits of Scofield’s notes presented itself in working through the relationship between Law and Grace. I will offer a review of this book in … Continue reading

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Gathered – Thoughts from the Edge

Sometimes tasks seem insurmountable. In our day it seems there are constant reminders of the social divisions that mark our current milieu. Considering the upcoming selected texts from the RCL left me wondering about the task of gathering a people from all over the world to enjoy life with … Continue reading

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Body of Obedience – Thoughts from the Edge

body_sm_ratiosScot McKnight considers the meaning of Jesus life, death, and resurrection to transcend a “single” theory. Instead, using the illustration of a full set of clubs, Scot contends we need to view the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus from the breadth of understanding found in the history of … Continue reading

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