Lyle Burris

Why Should Lyle Care?

Six years ago the crisis of the day was New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Today the crisis is Japan. Both demonstrated an incredible power in natural disasters. The chain reaction of events set off in Northern Japan can hardly be fathomed – earthquake, tsunami, (potential) nuclear meltdown as … Continue reading

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Lyle On Communion, C.S. Lewis, and Community

I am glad for firefighters. Friday it seemed fires were breaking out everywhere. One local television station dubbed the situation, “Oklahoma Under Fire.” When Lyle died you immediately understood the term “fraternity.” The number of firefighters in uniform at the celebration of Lyle’s life was overwhelming. They get “community.”… Continue reading

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Lyle’s Own Cultural Creative

Online “tests” revealing traits, characteristics, or “who you are like,” run the gamut. Lyle took one of these quizzes. He was surprised to score as a “Cultural Creative.” Lyle wrote,

This is how I scored, somewhat surprising to me actually.

The one thing I think he rightly pointed … Continue reading

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More Than Memories Survive . . . Nathan’s Music

Natalie beat me to it! I have been teasing Nathan since he mentioned his appreciation for running the posts on his Dad. I warned him a photo of him would show up. He threatened to unplug my internet in my office. So, I am at an undisclosed location … Continue reading

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Conspiring Against Anger . . . Lyle Muses

Who could ever get angry with such a little guy?! And, no, though it looks like Nathan, it is indeed Lyle. Don’t you know Lyle would be unplugging my Internet connection if he knew I was posting these photos. (Nathan, I know you are watching and yes, there Continue reading

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