
Pastors Search For . . . : A Conversation with Marty Duren

Often a Pastor is concerned with answering human beings search for meaning. What happens when pastors go searching?… Continue reading

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What Does Socrates Have to do with Preaching? or, Too Nerdy for Jason Micheli

What will that fifty dollar shirt do that the ten dollar shirt won’t? The ten dollar shirt covers you in all the right places. … Continue reading

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You’re No Billy Graham

And our music did not include George Beverly Shea. Confused as I was it became clear the comparisons, maybe innocently, provided an excuse to move on. Not me. Them.… Continue reading

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I Did Not Preach Yesterday . . . the Congregation Did

Sermons, these days, come in a variety of forms. Many suggest there should only be one kind. Add to that the expectation that the pastor is the one doing the preaching and one may easily see how things narrow quickly. … Continue reading

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We Talk Too Much About Hobby Lobby – There Are Greater Dangers

Embarrassed. A friend and I had two rather lengthy conversations about the recent Supreme Court ruling regarding the Hobby Lobby case.… Continue reading

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