
Distance and Proximity: Seeing the Context with Alan Cross

Maps. More maps. The summer term of my last year of my M.Div. in Seminary included the course, Biblical Backgrounds. Looking back it may have been better to take that course over a normal fall or spring semester. Compressing all the material covered into a few short weeks … Continue reading

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San Cristobal Verapaz

My Spanish fails me. Thankfully Delores will help with my limitations. This afternoon I will lead conversations on the Gospels and Interpretation with 25 or more Pokomchi pastors. John is working the white board this morning.

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He Would Be Teaching Sunday School

Lyle teaching? The surprise some would express came not because they thought Lyle was not sharp enough. No, it was really the result of his “first impression” temperament. Quiet. Reserved.

Give Lyle space and a topic and he would surprise those who had only met him once. We experienced … Continue reading

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