If you have read here for very long you likely know I am a fan of Inigo Montoya. The daft swordsmen in Princess Bride who puzzles over linguistic imprecision. His almost constant refrain makes the point,
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
On this week’s edition of Thoughts from the Edge we offer a mashup of Jason Micheli’s post, Cancer Has It’s Benefits, Jonnie Russell’s post, How To Make Sense of the Latest Killing on Skid Row, Bultmann on John 2, and a consideration of time made by John D. Caputo in his essay that spurred the book, It.
Some teasers . . .
From Micheli,
Cancer doesn’t make you wonder ‘Why me, God?’ Only a [d#@*] would get caught up with that kind of question.
No, cancer throws in you the scrum and makes you ask ‘Why them, God?’
From Russell,
Surveillance video showed the police officers’ confrontation with the homeless man, known as Africa on Skid Row. The wall on the right of this video is part of a chapel where we were preparing to have a graduation ceremony for men just like Africa—men who have been abused by countless systems and who are often plagued by addictions that are the result of the stressors our negligence imposes on certain groups. In other words, their illnesses are our illnesses too.
From Bultmann,
Jesus’ reply means therefore that whoever asks for a semeion (sign) will receive a semeioin (sign) – but not until it is too late. Jesus refuses to give a sign in proof of his authority, such would enable men to recognize him without risk, without committing themselves to him. (The Gospel of John, p.125)
From Caputo,
Anyone who calls for the coming of a new day needs the hardiness to say yes to the coming of what they cannot see coming. It may turn out to be a day in which you should never have gotten out of bed. (It,p.24)
Whips and Systems or, The Better Question May Be, “Why Them?” http://t.co/YF1nalHssE
http://t.co/jLoup13gDe (Whips and Systems or, The Better Question May Be, “Why Them?”)
Micheli, Bultmann, Caputo, and Russell – Whips and Systems … http://t.co/jLoup1kS1O
Whips and Systems or, The Better Question May Be, “Why Them?” – http://t.co/jLoup1kS1O @LittletonTodd via @Shareaholic //podcast added