“Clippings” is the new regular feature here at The Edge of the Inside. I am glad for “clipping” programs that allow you to clip a link for reading later. Some of these pieces become the nexus for future posts. Others say something I would like to have said and decided there is no need to repeat what has been done well.
I use Evernote from time to time. Recently my friend David introduced me to DevonThink. Consider “Clippings” my “Link Roundup” for the week. Enjoy.
After the New Perspective – Part 1
After the New Perspective – Part 2
The Problem with Biblicism – Part 1
The Problem with Biblicism – Part 2
“Republicanity” – The GOP Transformation is Nearly Complete
David Fitch on The Church in the Present Tense
As this feature develops I will offer a broad range of themes, topics, and subjects.
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