David Fitch’s new book, The End of Evangelicalism may well provide something of a hermeneutical approach to Rob Bell’s Love Wins. The quick tease. Fitch appropriates Zizek to offer a critique of “evangelicalism.” He takes the reader through Zizek and points out the way ideology functions. Once and ideology is exposed/busted it reveals underlying antagonisms ignored for the sake of keeping the “group” together. Worth your time to pick up David’s book. But, it is no Left Behind.
Also, keep an eye on Scot McKnight’s series on Rob Bell, Exploring Love Wins. I believe what Scot will do is in a public way address the antagonisms the critique Fitch might give.
I hope to offer more thoughts but today is a busy day.
Today is a busy day. The Oklahoma Congress is honoring one of our young mothers this afternoon. Then, Governor Fallin will hold a ceremony honoring this same young mother. This evening one of our young fellows receives his Eagle Scout award from the Boys Scouts.
There will be other times to entertain the mind. This should get you started.
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