Friday Photo … Drawn to the Light

Those little brown flying bugs that go by the name “June” provoke shrieks around our place. It may be Patty or one of the girls when they are over. Maybe these grubs turned flying nuisance appear in June in some places, but they have already shown up here in central Oklahoma. We were enjoying a nice cool evening and I watched this little bug play around by our yard lights. Patty thought someone should have taken a photo of me getting these shots lying on the sidewalk. I was simply fascinated at how the bug settled into one spot after flitting around for a bit appearing to soak up the light like a body in a tanning bed.

Drawn to the Light - Copywright 2010 Todd Littleton

About the Author
Husband to Patty. Daddy to Kimberly and Tommie. Grandpa Doc to Cohen, Max, Fox, and Marlee. Pastor to Snow Hill Baptist Church. Graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Reading. Photography. Golf. Colorado. Jeeping. Friend. The views and opinions expressed here are my own and should not be construed as representing the corporate views of the church I pastor.

2 comments on “Friday Photo … Drawn to the Light

  1. A am with the girls on not liking them! I hate when one smacks me in the face! lol

    1. Shelley, no doubt they can be a nuisance. It is fun to grab one and throw it in their direction. Easily a candid illustration of “screams like a girl.” 🙂

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