Walter Wangerin described a car ride in which it seemed he could never escape Denali. It may have been in his book Whole Prayer. I still remember that vivid tale as I do the only time I have heard him preach. Memorable.
We strolled the streets of Antigua searching for our breakfast destination. Walking down the cobblestone streets snapping a range of photographs, Bill pointed out Agua, the volcano. I have other photographs but from my particular vantage point I could not escape sagging power lines. Then it dawned on me.
We strolled back toward the hotel. Time was short. I made my way to the top of the hotel and was able to capture the breadth of Agua without the distraction of the wires. My only regret was not getting up before breakfast and catching this shot in an earlier light with fewer clouds. The clouds increase as the day progresses. However, on second look, the clouds may give the impression the volcano is emitting a cloud of smoke.
Even now two weeks after returning from San Cristobal Verapaz thoughts of Guatemala seem as ever present as Agua to the very small Antigua.