Once you consider how to get beyond conventional thinking no subject seems to be off limits. Much of the reading from my foray into “Readings in Postmodern Philosophy and Theology” has left me thinking. I know I am on the precipice and the slope looks slippery.
What I mean is that often we only think in categories we are given. A reading from William Law combined with my Scripture readings this morning gave me pause to consider some connections. Law wrote,
The person who dares not say an ill-natured word or do an unreasonable thing because he or she considers God as everywhere present performs a better devotion than the person who dares not miss thechurch. To live in the world as stranger and a pilgrim, using all its enjoyments as if we used them not, making all our actions as so many steps toward a better life, is offering better sacrifice to God than any forms of holy and heavenly prayers.
from A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life by William Law, quoted from A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servant
Worship is often connected with what it means to/for me. Law challenges us to think that worship is really expressed in how we live with others – and to borrow from Levinas, the Other. In both presence and sequence the other/Other is already before us. Surely this may lead us to follow Jesus who suggests we serve all and the Apostle Paul that we should not think of ourselves more highly than we ought.