My friend Barry Tayloris posting in concert with Holy Week. He offers a gem from his reading for the week. If you like poetry then this one is for you. Sometimes the character in the Jesus story that most resembles us is not the impulsive, impetuous Peter. Instead, many times we more resemble Judas. If Peter Rollins is correct then in some ways we betray what we say when our praxis fails to exhibit the character of Jesus. Holy week should be time for holy reflection. Far too easy to become ensared in the commercialization of the resurrection with many displays of pomp and circumstance. The really provocative moments are often left out of the “presentable” pieces. The poetry Barry selects to offer gives us the kind of “gut check” needed when we consider the implications of Jesus and living the resurrection.
Here are the first few lines.
I have never seen him and I have never seen
Anyone but him. He is older than the world and he
Is always young. What he says is in every ear
And has never been heard before.
I have tried to kill him in me,
He is in me more than ever.
What are your thoughts?