Sometimes the unexpected events in our lives need to be given time to settle over us. Too quick to fit them neatly into our own personal stories we may miss the way in which they challenge us. Listening to Chris Heuetrz (sidebar video) describe one of those unexpected events left me thinking about the way the story he tells opens up more possibility rather than becomes a formula used to simply create new categories to fit our former ways of thinking.
This is one aspect of Advent.
The coming of Jesus into the world so startled the way reality was understood that it could not be neatly fit into the way things were. It is funny how now on this side of the Incarnation we work so hard to fit that radical move of God’s self-disclosure into manageable packets of information. We take these packets of information and assimilate them into our existing operating systems. Through the lens of Advent we may see these events as the ongoing coming of Jesus into our lives as the Spirit works re-shaping our lives into the means for radical love to find physicality in our world today.