Traveling and intermittent Internet service has delayed my regular Clippings post. Here are some pieces that have caught my eye since posting Clippings No. 3.
Michael Bird and Joel Willits write at Eugangelion. Willits has offered his thoughts on Scot McKnight’s soon to be shipped, The King Jesus Gospel. Scot‘s presentation at Q 2010 and the promotional video for the book have made this a book I will pick up while putting others down when it arrives next week. Bird has been reading Greco-Roman sources and offers some parallel thoughts on, “The Counter-Imperial Gospel: “Only One King”
David Fitch offered a series of posts on “Incarnation.” Over the course of 3 posts David attempts to rescue what he deems at the outset an abused word. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
Tony Jones raises some questions about marriage suggesting there are Two Marriages. Some readers will not care for Jones’ argument for same gender marriage/unions. But, he does make some very important distinctions between civil and sacramental views of marriage.
Adam Kotsko re-works one of Jesus’ parables. The charge remains the same, “Go thou and do likewise.”