
Micheal Gerson on Evangelicals Provokes David French: A Conversation with Greg Horton

Rick Saccone sensed a closer than expected 18th Congressional District race in Pennsylvania’s Special Election. “They hate America. They hate God.” … Continue reading

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Reading Dead People, Leading Life Giving Community: An Interview with Wade Burleson

Former President of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and Trustee with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, Wade Burleson is not currently involved in denominational politics. Church, community and family take up his time.… Continue reading

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The Circles of Faithful Presence: An(other) Interview with David E. Fitch

Practical Theology is theology from below. That is, practical theology is rooted in reflections about God’s activity in the world in real time. Eugene Peterson reminds, “Matter is real. Flesh is good. Without firm rooting in creation, religion is always drifting off into some kind of pious sentimentalism Continue reading

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Faithful Presence #4 – An Advent Series

Mary could tell stories. For more than fifty years she worked with youth. Sadness gripped her when she thought of those who made life choices that ended in pain. Joy welled up when she recalled many a young person who took up different practices fueled by a different truth … Continue reading

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Crocheting A Good Life – Happy Birthday Kimberly

She is a happy hooker. It took some getting used to but we accept the reality.… Continue reading

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