Social Media

My Post Is Up @powerintheblog: Facebook Not A Happy Medium After Recent Tragedies – 10 Tips For More Productive Conversations (Todd Littleton)

If the events of last week did not stir some emotion deep within you, then maybe you should Google #AltonSterling, #PhilandoCastile or Five Police Officers Killed in Dallas to find out what happened. Should it be news that failed to touch you, it might be better to move on … Continue reading

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Facebook and Teen Depression and Suicide

This is Part 3 of a series on the subject of Teen Depression and Suicide. The impetus was an opportunity to speak at a recent workshop on the subject in the context of the “religious.” I spoke at a similar event last year and was graciously invited back. The Continue reading

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Lent and Our Stuff – Thoughts from the Edge

“Our stuff” may mean any number of things. In a digitally connected, highly social culture that could mean keeping track of your piece of ground in Farmville. Or, if you are into Second Life it could be managing your virtual business in a way you may earn real cash. … Continue reading

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Thanks David

A year ago I changed themes on the website. I was looking for something a bit cleaner. One of the initial responses to the new theme back then was things were hard to find. David has helped me work on the website from the beginning. It is not his … Continue reading

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N.T. Wright on Blogging and Social Media via Bill Kinnon

The intersection of life and faith has long hit the social media bug. Tweeting spiritual thoughts, quotes, Scripture in 140 characters or less continues to be a wave to catch for many. N.T. Wright suggests the danger of isolation lies at precarious turns when we fail to act on … Continue reading

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