
Crocheting A Good Life – Happy Birthday Kimberly

She is a happy hooker. It took some getting used to but we accept the reality.… Continue reading

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Number . . . Happy Birthday Patty

I did it. I bought a gallon of stuff peddled by a traveling sales person. Miracle cleaner I tell you. At least when the fellow demonstrated it to me it worked. That was some twenty-five years ago.… Continue reading

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Number 26 – Happy Birthday Tommie

I preferred living graduation presents. Anyone may receive a book, a ring, or some other artifact to mark a special occasion. We were gifted baby girls.… Continue reading

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Spying Jokers – Friday Photo

Early mornings we often spy a rabbit exploring the yard. Last week we found her coming closer to the house investigating one of our flower beds. I grabbed the camera and hoped to get a shot. Quietly I peered around a corner and was able to snap this one. … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Kimberly

Twenty-nine years ago we took to the street. The doctor told us to go home and walk. There would be no delivery on April 24, 1985.… Continue reading

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