Why/What Patheological? Or, What Is With the Reboot?

A post about Gun Control would garner more interest than one explaining the reboot of a podcast. But, I will take that risk using a gun analogy. 

We did not grow up hunters, or around guns for that matter, in our house. We did have cap guns. Eventually we even had a BB gun.

When we moved to Southwest Oklahoma to begin our first pastorate my father-in-law gave me a shotgun, a 12-gauge. He knew many hunted turkey and quail and thought it might give me opportunities. It did. One day I may tell of my first turkey hunt. The statute of limitations has surely expired.

The think I liked about a shotgun is that I did not have to be as accurate as with a rifle. I still don’t think I could shoot Bambi.

From the beginning of my first podcast years ago I have felt it was like shooting a shotgun. Inspiration came in rushes and then there were droughts. Over time, after we began using the Revised Common Lectionary at Snow Hill, I would offer a mashup of the Texts. This was before J. Daniel Kirk’s, LectioCast, or the two pastors who offer Pulpit Fiction. How about those for podcast show names?!

Eventually I began listening to Tripp Fuller’s interview podcast show, Homebrewed Christianity. I understood the metaphor for my friends who find the analogy questionable. Listening to theologians interviewed in a way that did not reveal whether or not Tripp agreed with their conclusions or not left the listener to work through the subjects covered and the conclusions asserted. He offered a broad reach – N.T. Wright to John Dominic Crosson. There are many others.

I needed a rifle for my podcast, not a shotgun. After reading, researching, and listening to some of the podcast gurus, I began working on refocusing the podcast. You have likely noticed the website refresh. And, there is a renewed energy to connect a passion that has been growing since the early 1990’s. You will have to listen to the show to hear just what that is.

If you want to stay up with the news and posts related to where /patheological/ will be going, sign-up in the right sidebar. Share the ride. Join the conversations that I hope result. Offer interviewee suggestions. And by all means, share the podcast with your friends who may find the content worthy, if not beneficial.


About the Author
Husband to Patty. Daddy to Kimberly and Tommie. Grandpa Doc to Cohen, Max, Fox, and Marlee. Pastor to Snow Hill Baptist Church. Graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Reading. Photography. Golf. Colorado. Jeeping. Friend. The views and opinions expressed here are my own and should not be construed as representing the corporate views of the church I pastor.

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