Max Nolen

Number 3 – Happy Birthday Max Nolen

“There once was a little girl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very, very good, and when . . ..”… Continue reading

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Spying Jokers – Friday Photo

Early mornings we often spy a rabbit exploring the yard. Last week we found her coming closer to the house investigating one of our flower beds. I grabbed the camera and hoped to get a shot. Quietly I peered around a corner and was able to snap this one. … Continue reading

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These Two – Friday Photo

Friday Photo has been an infrequent posting here on The Edge of the Inside for quite some time. It is not for lack of material. Here is one, actually two, to enjoy.

I do.

 … Continue reading

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Look Who Is 2!

Two years ago this evening we were waiting. Regular reports let us in on how much longer we would have to wait. Our baby was having her first baby. Today Max turns 2! We are on our way to celebrate.

Happy Birthday Max!… Continue reading

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So Like Their Mother

We are taking a field trip today. It is too cold for the zoo so we are going inside. Today we take the boys to the Mall to see Santa. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. One of these days the two little guys will be as … Continue reading

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