My friend Jeff once told me, “All great men have two girls.” Now I understand his bias stemmed from the fact he is Daddy to two daughters. I also know he got this line from another of our friends who also has two daughters. If we are not great men because we have two daughters, don’t tell our daughters!
When Kimberly and Tommie found out I had made the Final Four of the SBC Voices Blog Madness Contest, 2012 Edition, they have worked a grassroots campaign to help Daddy win. If Cohen and Max could vote, their Mother’s would makes sure they did. Kimberly, to borrow an overused phrase, has taken her campaigning to “a whole nutha level.” Her move should give pause for future Santorum moves to derail the (not)momentum of Mitt Romney.
That’s right, she is trying to buy your votes! Well, not really. But she is offering an incentive to stop thinking about going over and voting and moving you beyond good intentions to action. If you have not seen her handiwork over at Oikoshandmade, then you need to go over and take a look. Here is her offer. Go over to SBC Voices and vote for her Daddy – Me! Then email her at You will be entered to win in her next “Help My Daddy Win” Giveaway. Even more,if you have voted you can comment here and be eligible for our the $25.00 Gift Certificate Giveaway. For the next 100 people that vote you will be entered in the giveaway and receive a 15% coupon code.
If you have quickly bypassed my appeals I understand. If you ignore her offer, then I will assume you don’t have daughters. 😉
It takes just three seconds to vote and about a minute to email. So, in the immortal words of the Blue Collar comedian, “Get er, done!”
Vote for Todd Littleton….he is without a doubt the best one