A couple of weeks ago I helped remember a gentleman in our church. He was quite the musician. His son remembered calling his Dad’s house to see how he and his Mom were doing and he could hardly hear of the Bluegrass being played in the background.
One of the oft perplexing questions turns on what it means to be made “in the image of God.” One of the emphases coming out of the Enlightenment was human rationality. Reason became the “mark” of distinction between humans and all other creation. Though we may resemble an illustration of Pavlov’s Dog – witness an Apple announcement of a new iPhone and sales and new contracts set records.
Thinking of Smitty and how to celebrate his life, I could not help but think that human creativity surely derives from a creative Creator. At least if we are going to talk about origins and wiring. Witness the Psalms in the Scriptures. Lyrically creative, evocative, and honest at cathartic levels.
Bill Mallonee will do a live show at Soularize in San Diego this week. The conference begins this afternoon. I have many friends who will be there. In honor of the creativity that will inevitably be celebrated, I offer a Bill Mallonee video for this week’s Weekly Video.
My friend Tripp tweeted recently that he would himself offer a money back guarantee to his friends who did not find Mallonee’s newest “The Power & The Glory” worth the $14. My daughter, Tommie, and I heard Bill here in OKC a few years ago. No need for money back. His lyrics display the create impulse I believe derives from humanity made in the “image of God.”